Fifty-third Legislature                                                   Finance

Second Regular Session                                                  H.B. 2126




(Reference to House engrossed bill)



Page 1, line 22, after "is" strike remainder of line

Strike lines 23 and 24

Line 25, strike "(ii)"

Lines 30 and 34, strike "item" insert "subdivision"

Between lines 38 and 39, insert:

"2.  The improvement is located entirely within a slum or blighted area that is established pursuant to title 36, chapter 12, article 3."

Renumber to conform

Page 3, line 11, strike "redevelopment project" insert "slum or blighted"

Line 14, strike "redevelopment project area" insert "slum or blighted area designation"

Line 15, strike "redevelopment project" insert "slum or blighted"

Line 19, after "following" strike remainder of line

Strike lines 20 through 25, insert "conditions are met:

1.  The lease of the government property improvement was entered into before the termination or modification of the slum or blighted area designation.

2.  A development agreement, ordinance or resolution was approved by the governing body of the government lessor before the termination or modification of the slum or blighted area designation that authorized a lease on the occurrence of specified conditions and the lease was entered into within five years after the date the development agreement was entered into or the ordinance or resolution was approved by the governing body."

Page 4, line 3, strike "redevelopment project areas" insert "designation of slum or blighted areas"

Line 8, after the second comma insert "the designation of all slum or blighted areas that would otherwise terminate on or within two years after the effective date of this act remain effective for two years after the effective date of this act, and"

Line 9, after "review" strike remainder of line

Line 10, strike "area" insert "the designation of all such slum or blighted areas"

Line 11, after "the" strike remainder of line

Line 12, strike "business district is located" insert "designation of such slum or blighted areas"; strike "redevelopment project" insert "slum or blighted"

Line 14, strike "a redevelopment project area" insert "slum or blighted areas"

Strike line 20, insert "slum or blighted area designation:"

Amend title to conform







2:35 PM

C: dmt